Quicksilver Captur 705 Pilothouse

5.00 out of 5
(3 customer reviews)

Fishing from a boat has long been more than just a way of hunting for food. It is a way of life, and a whole new category of anglers is testament to this. Lavishly equipped boats that allow for long stays at sea offer comfort to anglers. Such is the latest Quicksilver 705 Pilothouse for sale, which provides quick access to the desired fishing spot, the comfort of a weather-proof cabin for a more comfortable stay at sea and the ergonomics of a large cockpit for working with fishing tools . Of course, fishing is not the only limitation, as with a power range of 115 to 225 hp aft, the 705 Pilothouse can quickly transport eight passengers to the bay for a swim or a family weekend at sea.


The newest pilothouse model from the Quicksilver shipyard

Quicksilver boats in a pilothouse category are equipped with a seawater circulation pump pool, the so-called Livewell System, well known in previous models like in Quicksilver Captur 675 Pilothouse. The large plexiglass on the inside gives an overview of the amount and condition of the bait in the flow-through pool. The cover of the pool, but also the rest of the stern fence serves as a working surface for bait preparation. There are also pole holders on the side and stern, as well as the Sun Awning canopy, which is stretched over a stainless steel bracket and protects fishermen from both sun and rain.

If you fall into the category of fishermen who like to bring the family along or use the boat for family trips and cruises, this 705 PH boat will meet all your comfort needs. The same goes for the stern platform, which is quite shortened compared to similar models. A hatch in the stern door provides free movement and exit to the platform, allowing larger catches to be pulled into the cockpit.

Great visibility from the Quicksilver 705 Pilothouse helm – boats for sale

Note that the boat is also equipped with a trolling valve. The skipper, from his position, has a good view as all the windows are quite large and he has access to every part of the console. The helmsman’s seat is raised so that his feet rest on a special tread. In addition to the steering console in the wheelhouse, the boat offers another control station in the cockpit. The sliding side door for easy access to the side of the boat is also interesting, as is the cabin area, which also allows for overnight accommodation. On Quicksilver boats, everything is arranged with equipment packages, so in addition to the Smart Edition equipment as the optimum equipment package, there is also the Cabin Comfort, Fish and Electronic equipment package, all with the ideal equipment in mind.

The honest review of Captur 705 – where is the best price?

Like the entire Pilothouse range of boats with its emphasis on angling functionality, the Quicksilver 705 is a boat that handles well at sea with an emphasis on safety. Whether sailing, resting at anchor or fishing, the boat’s high sides protect the cockpit area. Because the Captur 705 is powered by a Mercury outboard engine, sailing is stable and steering is safe. The boat’s considerable weight helps with stability and staying on course. The motorboat a with a 225 hp V6 engine accelerates so that it can pull a maximum of about 30 knots. There is no bow lift or runaway course during acceleration. All in all, it can be said that the manufacturer has made an effort to fit a fishing boat into a modern frame and offer the maximum, both in terms of stowage, speed and manoeuvrability.

Additional information

Overall length

6.63 m

Max width

2.54 m


1627 kg

Engine max

225 HP

Design category


3 reviews for Quicksilver Captur 705 Pilothouse

  1. 5 out of 5

    Aami, Suomi

    Nauti Quicksilver Captur 705 myytävänä. Polttoaineen kulutus alhainen, hyviä kokemuksia ajettaessa Mercury Verado V6 -moottorilla. Hinta kaikilla lisävaihtoehdoilla on hyvä.

  2. 5 out of 5

    Vasileios, USA

    Why only Quicksilver makes boats so beautiful? Ergonomic solutions and professional equipment make the 705 Pilothouse the best in its class.

  3. 5 out of 5

    Jean-Luc, La France

    Bateau de pilotage compact; vous pouvez utiliser la remorque et tracter le bateau en voiture. Fiche technique parfaite ! Prix abordable, j’ai eu une bonne occasion de l’acheter et je ne le revendrai pas avant longtemps. Mon avis et note de 5+

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